Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Tuesday, July 7, 2009

C'mon Ride That Train

Which is Cuter? Sanna honking the horn or Riley making care noises? Poll to the right...


Nancy Hendrickson said...

Looks like Granny Smith's Barney car is a huge hit! In fourteen more years you will be in the midst of driver's training for real. Hopefully the mini crashes will be a thing of the past by then!

Bri said...

oh my GOD! That is so freaking cute.

G.A.Sandy said...

As usual for me it is a tie as to who is the both of them and their antics.....this is a soooooo cute video...

G.A. sandy

mariellen said...

It's good see them sharing so nicely. I too found it difficult to choose between the two.

Granny Smith

Kathy said...

What! that is like asking "Do you beat your wife on Tuesday or Wednesday.?"..Get it? No contests for these two they are a tie. They each are A+ in my book. Is Nick's wedding coming up on the 8th already. Wow time flies.

They have the cutest legs..
