Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Book Worms

Today Melissa and I ventured to the downtown library with all of the little ones. I figured that Riley would be in heaven with a whole section of baby books, but she barely even looked at all of the books due to all of the other exciting things.

Erin was super jazzed to read all of the colorful books. She is so advanced.

Sanna and Riley loved trying to eat all of the giant puzzle pieces. Not so advanced:)

Their favorite thing was the giant magnet board with all sorts of animals, letters, shapes, etc. Again, Sanna enjoyed sharing her saliva with all of the magnets.

Baby Erin gave the trip an A+ and wouldn't stop smiling on our way home. What a cutie! The girls tried to show her how you drive a mother mad by furiously crawling in opposite directions while at the library. So, the twinkle of deviousness in Erin's eyes can definitely be attributed to Sanna and Riley:) The good times are just beginning for us all:)


Kathy said...

Well day trippers galore. Great place to learn it appears. All three are cute. Getting close to the Number one B day.


irisheyes said...

Cute pictures, Laurin. I am impressed that you managed to take pictures and keep track of the active munchkins. Why wouldn't Erin be happy hanging out with her 'hood buddies.
