Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Thursday, July 23, 2009

Birthday Quiz

Bring your A game:


1. Who was born first?
2. Who weighed more at birth?
3. Who had reflux issues?
4. Who did we take to the emergency care center for a possible ear infection?
5. Who rolled over first?
6. Who sat up first?
7. Who crawled first?
8. Who has the nickname 'bear'?
9. Who started the yunting craze?
10. Who are the girls' Godparents?
11. Who is the cutest?
12. Who is known for her ability to mimic words and make 'conversation'?
13. Who is fearless?
14. Who smeared poop all over the couch?
15. Who was I (Ryan) not speaking of/to at some point?
16. Who got in trouble for high-pitched squealing in South Haven?
17. Who wore a sweater vest with nothing underneath on the blog (not one of the girls)?
18. What magazine were the girls 'reading' in the funny picture of them on the bed sitting next to eachother?
19. What did the homeless lady put in Riley's mouth on the street?
20. Who was a St. Bernard for Halloween?


Bri said...

Happy Birthday girls!!! I can't beleive they are 1! They are absolutely adorable and sweet and funny. I can't wait until the wedding (of my boys and them). OH YEAH.

G.A.Sandy said...


Much, much love and hugs and kisses from afar!!

G.A. Sandy and G.U.Norm....

(am working on the quiz...)

Patti said...

Happy Birthday my little beauties! I wish I could be there with you! Have a fun day!

All my love,


Kathy said...

Check your e-mail Laurin for their cards so they can see them sing and move around. Love to them both
Before you know it they will be 2.
OMG time goes by fast.


Nancy Hendrickson said...

The cake looks declicious! I want to dive right in with Riley. Happy birthday girls!