Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Random Assortment of Pics for Your Viewing Pleasure

Sanna and Mama.

Daddy's attempt at the cheese face (he LOVES this picture of himself).

Sanna couldn't resist another cheese face, despite our attempt to capture a "normal" picture.

Those crazy kids:)

Riley hoarding toys from the other kids at the Children's Museum.

Sanna playing nice............for the moment.

The girls "picking" and "planting" flowers.

Fearless Sanna throwing herself all over the padded maze, while conservative Riley refuses to move.

Who knew that Riley could spell.  She even capitalized her name.  She may be the smartest child that I have ever encountered (I am not biased or anything:).

Sanna is brilliant too.

Hydrating before our swim in the 90 degree heat.  Too bad the refrigerator broke, so we never made it outside.  Sanna just enjoyed showing off her svelt new body:)

Riley prior to the swim that never was:(  She didn't realize that her daddy is, in the words of Ryan Iannucci, "all that is man".  This meant that he would spend the next few hours defrosting the freezer and installing a new fan motor in the refrigerator instead of lounging by the pool.  


Patti said...

Great job Daddy! Thanks!

Patti said...

...or should I say, Great job "All there is man"!

G.A.Sandy said...

What a treat!!! Worth waiting for....I love each and every one of these pics!!!!
And what smart grand nieces I have!!! And with such good looking parents....!

G.A. Sandy