Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Ode to the Cheese Face

Against my best judgement, I am posting pictures of Sanna that Laurin thinks are hilarious.  I think these arent Sanna's cutest moments, but it represents her personality.  Whenever you say 'CHEESE' she makes this face.  I think the current state of her teeth make it all the better


Patti said...

I've been sitting here all day waiting for you to post a new entry Ryan... How's this for instant feedback! I love the cheeseface!

G.A.Sandy said...

Soooo cute....Sanna you are a card!!!

Are they home now?

G.A. Sandy

Kathy said...

What a Smile..Could be in an Ad.


mariellen said...

I believe Sanna's Daddy used to make a similar face...ham and cheese do go well together!

Granny Smith

Jill said...
