Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Wednesday, June 17, 2009


Its a collage explosion today. We had a bit of a photo explosion today during dinner. If you go into flickr, you can see our flat attack squirrel. It was eye-to-eye with a neighborhood cat on our fence. I have never seen a squirrel in a position like that. Today's meals were full of typical fun: Sanna choking because she never stops shoveling food in her mouth the chew, Riley spazzing out whenever the food runs out, Riley throwing as much food as she eats, and a surprise in Riley's final diaper. I guess the last one wasnt typical. There were unchewed grapes in Riley's diaper. I guess she only has two teeth, but the grapes were cut in half or thirds, meaning they werent that small. This has never happened before depsite eating grapes many times. I am thinking she tricked us and just shoved them in her diaper when we werent looking. Grandma Smith is here to visit, so Im sure we will have all kinds of fun to report. She watched the ladies while Laurin and I mulched the front and side yards today. We ordered 8 yards and it isnt going to be enough. We need to re-landscape or something to reduce the amount of space needing mulch. We bought the dyed mulch, which resulted in Laurin and I being as dirty as ever. Anyway, we will be entering the ladies in a cutest baby contest for fun. It appears that it is national, but getting to the top 100 is solely based on how many people you get to vote for you. If you get the most votes with high scores (the photos are viewable by anyone I think) you move on. I have no hope of either girl winning, I just want to see how devoted our readership is. This will be the one time I promote forwarding emails to everyone you know. Since I am calling it first, I dont want any of our readers with babies to get the same idea. I need everyone to unite behind our girls. I couldnt enter them together, so they each will need to be voted for. I think I am going to change the pictures I submitted, so feel free to give me suggestions or send me photos I may not have. Lets get it on.


G.A.Sandy said...

Absolutely-let's get it on! Let us know where and how to vote and I will get it out to my email address book and then, in the good old American way vote early and vote often!!!

Love he pics...I bet the girls have a big chance!

G..A.Sandy and hello to Grammy Smith!

G.A.Sandy said...

I meant love THE pics...oops


Kathy said...

Tell me what you need and I will get those votes. Our girls will tie for first place I am sure.

Patti said...

We're anxiously awaiting the email! Let the games begin!