Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Saturday, June 20, 2009

Pool Party

The ladies went to see Wicked today, so we were left to entertain our children all afternoon. My dream of having my own pool finally came to life in the form of a $15 blow-up special. CHO Ryan would not put Erin in the pool, so it was a 2.5 person pool party. Riley only wanted to put her hands/face in from the outside of the pool. Note to self, they make swim diapers for a reason. If you thought Sanna was tough to pick up with a fresh diaper, try snatching her up with an extra 10 lbs of water in her booty. The rest of the day included the other children taking turns 'gently' touching baby Erin, 'sharing' toys, and watching soccer. Like any good day, we drank beer and told manly stories. There are more good pool pics to come on roll two. I have yet to finish it.

For all you eagerly awaiting info on the cutest baby contest, voting doesnt start until July 6th, and goes until the 31st. I am trying to see if I can change the pics I chose. I think we can do better. Our voting can only get us to the final 100. The rest is up to the judges as far as I can tell.


Kathy said...

What bathing beauties you have,Ryan. Hope you emptied the pool water.


G.A.Sandy said...

splashing in a pool....another developmental step...
sounds like a great day was had by all....

Ohhh, Laurin, was Wicked wonderful??

G.A.Sandy (AB)

mariellen said...

Look at Miss Sanna standing up by herself! Is the water too cold for Riley?

Granny Smith