Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Thursday, June 11, 2009

Peek a Boo

Sanna and Riley can fit in the diaper box. This = cute

Laurin cannot fit in the box, despite her strongest assertions. This = weird

Riley can play a sweet game of peek-a-boo. This = cute


Bri said...

is laurin wearing a teeny black bikini? HILARIOUS

Bri said...

also, please stop posting these videos/photos of your girls because they are too cute for me to handle. too. freakin. cute.

G.A.Sandy said...

Well these pics = a wonderful smiling start to our day.
Hey Laurin, keep of these days...we loved it.
The peek-a- boo is beyond cute and into ultra-cute.
How quickly your babies are growing!!!!

Thanks, thanks, thanks....

G.A.Sandy and Uncle Norm

Kathy said...

Watching the twins: PRICELESS

G.A. Kathy

Big Ryan said...

Bri, as you would expect, Laurin spends most of her days prancing around in teeny bikinis and other scandalous outfits.