Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Gone Babies Gone

Laurin has taken my babies. I dont know when she is coming back. She is off to the great white north to explore the wonders of Escanaba. She called me today to inform me that they were having homemade macaroni and cheese, taking the girls swimming, and leaving for the UP in the morning. She is clearly trying to crush my soul. I have been begging to go to the UP for years. I almost had to move there to make my first trip. I dont think I will ever get to go hunt reindeer and make my own beef jerky. It is a magical place I am sure. Laurin promises to send lots of pictures. I dont have much faith in her, but luckily Grandma Nance is trigger happy. I got 28 pictures from their first 6 hours in South Haven. Sadly we have overloaded flickr for the month, so I will either have to stop being cheap and pay for the to store all 10,000 of my pics or wait until next month rolls around to put up the swimming pics. I will add one as pic of the day for tomorrow since it arrived late in the day today.


Ryan Iannucci said...

As one of your 3 followers, I think it's appropriate for you to put a link up to my blog. Especially since there are almost as many pictures of Sanna and Riley as there are of Erin.

Kathy said...

Ryan you need to get her a traveling webcam..Then Peter and I could watch as well. Watch out Cousin Peter has a webcam..Dun Dun..


Patti said...

I have to she eating cut up black olives in this pic? (Taking after GAP?)