Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Fun with Food

We have been experimenting with all kinds of food lately. Berries, deli meats, grapes, bagels, pizza, you name it. These ladies will eat anything. I think if we kept putting it in front of them they would never stop eating. The annoying thing about feeding them normal food is that they now want to eat whatever we are eating, even if it isnt time for them to eat. We got these sweet high chairs that strap to normal chairs. They are the perfect height for the ladies to shovel food into their mouths. Riley eats about twice as fast as Sanna. We think she will catch back up to her chubby sister soon.
On an unrelated note, I want to share our latest experience in the cry room at mass. I am going to liken it to 11v11 womens soccer for all you friends of Laurin. We keep going thinking it will be fine and it turns out terrible. I couldnt tell you what happened at mass because I was busy monitoring out wandering divas. It is an interesting dynamic watching all the children and parents interact. There are anything from newborns to ~7 year olds in there. There was one crazy mom of an 8 week old wandering around. She must have changed that kids diaper three times during mass. She also kept telling the kids not to fart because it smelled bad. She would wrap one arm around its back and carry it around. The strangest moment was when it made the slightest peep and she covered its mouth and told it to shhhhh. She covered its mouth a little too long for her to be sane. The rest of the parents were nice and well behaved. The funniest part is watching the kids attempt to steal toys from each other and the parents trying to stop them, pretending to be good parents of good children. I like to let them go at it. survival of the fittest. Anyway, we will try to attend mass without the cry room this week. It may go horribly wrong since Sanna and Riley like to make competing grunts at varying volumes when it is quiet.


G.A.Sandy said...

Great story....hmmmm I recall little Ryan making some interesting noises at Mass as well......
Love the pics of the girls eating ... fun time, eh?

G.A. Sandy

Patti said...

I've been waiting for this "eating messy food themselves" stage. How's that going, Laurin? :)

Ryan Iannucci said...

Those solid food pictures do look fun. I still can't believe how big they are - and they're so fun.

Kathy said...

I guess you will have to wait till bedtime to eat.Ha Ha
A new adventure every day.
Can you imagine your life without them.. I remember when I couldn't remember my life before my chidren arrived. What a gift they are to all of us.
