Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Monday, June 15, 2009

Eatin and Playin

This week the girls made a lot of progress in eating and playing. Their interaction with eachother has increased a lot. They go to the same area of their room to get and play with toys. They smile at eachother. Its much more fun than having to be their constant source of entertainment. Maybe they will make progress in their twin language. On the eating front, they are trying all kinds of new things. It is really scary to watch Sanna eat as she make a fake coughing/choking noise a lot. It might actually be a real choking noise as she isnt as good at chewing as Riley and has what we call a 'food graveyard' that builds up in her mouth throughout the meal. About 15 minutes after her last bite of food yesterday she still had half a soybean and some chicken in her mouth. Vegetables gave them trouble too. They cried through most of their carrots and broccoli. Fruits seem to be popular, especially bananas. Riley is starting to get more picky, shying away from her strawberries and blueberries. We will see how it goes, but they are down to two bottles and three solid meals a day. We had just bought a ton of formula before this transition to fewer bottles, so we may be looking to offload some soon.


mariellen said...

Let's hope they didn't get Daddy's vegetable aversion gene. Make vegetables fun, by having Daddy eat them and smile and laugh and say "yummy" while he's eating some.

Love, Granny Smith

G.A.Sandy said...

Sanna and Riley really dig that funky music!!!

Maybe a vegetable rap song??

Loved these videos!!

and love y'all

G.A. Sandy

Kathy said...

Oh no like G.A.Sandi and peas...

Mix the fruit with the veggies?. Can you drink formula in a glass? How about a new drink for adults using the formula..Milkatini's any one. Brandi Alexanders with formula etc..let your mind go!!!
