Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Tragedy at the Park

Due to the wonderful weather weve been having, we have taken every chance to get the girls out of the house. Yesterday, the girls went to the park twice. On the second trip, which I participated in, a soccer ball was brought. As many of you know, I like to kick the ball around to satisfy my need for constant activity. Our girls just sit there and eat grass, so I can get bored. There were many kids at the park, some of which were a little older. They kicked the ball with me, which was fun. Early in our visit, I was dribbling the ball and lost control. I know you are all suprised to hear that due to my high level of skill. The ball rolled away from me and rolled into Sanna. I didnt think much of it, but she started to cry. Eventually, she stopped. Later, every time the ball came anywhere near her she would started crying. I tried waiting a while and rolling the ball very slowly towards her, but she still cried. We would just sit the ball next to her and she would cry. I am extremely worried this early life event will result in her hating soccer for the rest of her life. Luckily, Riley was not affected in this tragedy. We still have a chance for Riley to become a soccer star. If this is the way to make Sanna/Riley hate an activity for the rest of their lives I am definitely going to hit them with a softball and whatever would make them hate cheerleading. Anyway, has anyone else experienced such an event? Will Sanna need therapy to become friends with the soccer ball again?


wetnurse86 said...

I believe it may be similar to Dawson's reaction to sneezing. He used to run and hide when sneezing occurred, but now he only glares at the sneezer. There seems to be a progression. Maybe you need to introduce a cute little soccer ball and gradually work back up to the large one. I hope there have been no negative experiences associated with violins because I see Suzuki in the girls future!

mariellen said...

I agree with the last comment. Start with a cute little soccer ball that she can put in her mouth, as that seems to be what she likes right now. Also try connecting the negative stimulus with a positive one. Are there soccer ball spoons?

Granny Smith

Unknown said...

Sounds like you just found a goal keeper.

Kathy said...

Just leave the ball around with no one introducing it.If her sisterlatcheson to it she may then want it as well. Was she bruised by the ball? One thing is for sure one event dos not make her not a soccer player. Do nit rush to judgements. She is showing her sensitive side.

Kathy said...

I of course was frightened by rogets thesaurus as a child and now can not spell..ha ha ( see coment before this one.