Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Germaphobes Beware!

Do NOT watch this video if you fear the combination of babies and dog slobber.

Clearly Ryan and Melissa are going to have to learn the keys to making first rate baby video. The amazing cuteness of this video is somewhat diminished by their commentary. I tried to direct as much as possible, but there is only so much I can do with what Im given. As you can see, the girls love them some big dogs. They also like his gigantic tongue that feels like wet sandpaper.


Kathy said...


mariellen said...

Aunty Sandy--- Don't look!

Granny Smith

G.A.Sandy said... what is next....Riley and Sanna out playing in the traffic?.... or dodging bullets at the firing range.....or visiting the Zoo?????

ah,ha, I fooled you, it is not the need for Purell that gets me.........although it is now known that it is a myth that dogs mouths are clean.....

when your babies start barking.....

perplexed in Amelia;
G.A. Sandy

Patti said...

Being a dog lover, I think that this video is hilarious! Nothing better than a big old cuddly dog with slobber! :) (and the two cutest girls in the world....)

TARA said...

this is the highlight of my week

Unknown said...

It might have been less offensive if you hadn't included a picture of Max cleaning his junk. Just a thought.