Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Shes Got the Jimmy Legs

Things are heating up at the Smith house. Sanna is getting close to crawling and Riley is thinking about skipping right to walking. She powers around her activity center, making a circular path in the carpet. She probably has the strength to pull herself up, but hasnt figured it out yet. This video shows her showing off her kicking skills. I think she may have just been excited after her meal. She could have also been celebrating St. Patricks Day with a nice seated jig. This is much more amusing than when Sanna slaps her massive legs against her bed when she wakes up during the night. It sounds like someone is trying to break in the house. I will try to get a good picture of Sanna's massive chompers that are breaking through. The evening has been a crabby time for the girls as they are tired and their teeth hurt. Our very helpful godfather came over today and tried to give them beer. He claimed they were too strong to pull it away from. I knew he was weak, but come on. He just wants everyone to be beer-crazy like him.


Denise E said...

LOL!! This reminds me of the leg thing that Carey does...Laurin, please tell me you know what I'm talking about! :)

Nancy Hendrickson said...

I laughed sooooooo hard at this clip. The "jimmy legs" come from the Hendrickson side of the family. Laurin and Grandpa Bill could make an entire pew vibrate when they got going.

Ryan Iannucci said...

Sanna had quite the grip on my beer bottle. While I suppose I had the strength to rip it from her precious little hands, I didn't have the heart. It's not like it was a flaming hot poker or anything like that. And if we're going to call each other out, making your daughter hate soccer is a far worse offense than letting her mouthe a cold beer bottle when she's teething.

G.A.Sandy said...

This one is a real hoot- those Jimmy legs are going to beat the band...getting ready for some fine runs....
Lots of luck to you and the Red Sox as they say!!
Loved this one...watching the kicking blur of legs..
