Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Friday, March 20, 2009

Round and Round We Go

For a Friday treat I present power-walkin Riley and sweet-talkin Riley. Both good Rileys.


G.A.Sandy said...

Hey, guys..think about it, Riley could power electricity for your house!!!! of these days she is going to this is getting her nowhere....

These videos are a great way to start our days...thanks, thanks,thanks...course our appetite is now insatiable.

G.A. Sandy

G.A.Sandy said...

whoops....meant to say "she is going to realize this is getting her nowhere.. I have now identified the clunking I heard in the background of the Riley kicking video....

G.A. Sandy (that will teach me to preview first)

mariellen said...

I say first steps by June 1st. Enjoy sitting down now as you won't be doing that much in the near future.

Granny Smith

Patti said...

How funny! She is going to wear a hole in your carpet! I like the finger movement when she talks! Thanks for the videos!

Kathy said...

Where's Miss Sanna? Sleeping?

Riley is really getting good exercise on that toy. Enjoy seeing all the videos. I love some of the pictures on the slide show. Beautiful Children..

Hugs and kisses to them from auntie kathy

G.A.Sandy said...

I feel like Riley as I watch her go round and round over and over.... finally noticed that at the end it seems that she puts her fingers on the duckie's mouth to see if it will make the same sound she makes with hers on her mouth... sweet!

Addicted to this blog;
G.A. Sandy