Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Life Goes on Without Me

I havent seen my babies since Sunday. I wont see them until Friday night, at which time I will start a Laurin-free weekend. Normally, that would be awesome. This time, I have babies to take care of. I will be flying solo for ~48 hours. Over the last few days the girls have been treated to daily trips to the park and walks. I hope they are ready for a weekend of laying around and playing wii. Im too tired to leave the house. If anyone in the area wants to come by and excersize the babies, please contact me. I would like to sleep as much as possible. I am a little worried that the girls are going to treat me as a stranger when I get home. Sanna only gives you a day before she forgets who you are. She now has two teeth working their way through. Their have been rumors of a Riley tooth, but no official sightings. These pictures represent some of the best work to date in the way of cuteness. I am now resigned to the fact that I am going to miss most of my babies lives while Im stuck in crappy hotel rooms. I must say that the Sheraton in downtown Chicago has the best beds ever though. Too bad breakfast costs $25, internet is $12/day and parking is $38/day. Good thing Im not paying for it. I either need to buy a webcam or win the lottery.


G.A.Sandy said...

Hey- go for the webcam! But one never knows about the lottery. Cuteness index in these photos very, very high!!! I am sure your darlings will not forget their Daddy- no way!!!

G.A. Sandy

Jill said...

Hey the Webcam is great. I get to see little Abe before his bathtime. Just last night Rob and I were in stitches with him doing his funny voice and telling us about the girl in the purple who has issues. It's the best ever.