Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Monday, March 2, 2009

Its Been A While

Due to some business travel and lack of motivation the blog has been without new and exciting posts over the last week. Our girls have hit a boring patch. They arent quite crawling, they dont have any teeth (despite whining like they are teething), and they havent learned any new tricks. Their vocal skills are quickly improving though. They both have a 'sweet voice' which consists of quiet babbling in a high pitched voice. I was going to report on a 'cry-free' day on Saturday, but Riley ruined it with a minute of crying for a bottle while we headed home from errands. I think Saturday was our babies happiest day yet though. I included some pictures of the fun. I think we have established that as long as there is one adult per baby we can keep them content. I fear we are in for lots of tears once mobility starts. I dont think there is any way we can full babyproof this deathtrap we call a home. We have learned that our reaction to their falls often dictates their response. Sanna is a drama queen that looks for your sympathy to decide if she really wants to ham it up. I am pretty sure I am rambling due to a lack of direction at the beginning of this post. Thanks to everyone for the lively dialogue on the last post. Sorry this one is so lame. Maybe I will become like Ann Coulter and just write/say obnoxious things every once and a while to keep you interested in what I have to say.


G.A.Sandy said...

This one is not is adorable. Love the view from above, watching the bebopping babies...
it is really a delight to see them just skipping from one developemental stage to another....


Kathy said...

Hey guys do not forget Day of Portugal pictures for June 10th.

Love anything about these lovelies Ryan so anything you write is terrific to us.

Aunt Kathy