Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Monday, March 9, 2009

Holy Crap, We Went Outside

As if it was opposite day, we decided to do something, and it was outside. We took the ladies to the park and hilarity ensued. By hilarity, I mean my mom took a lot of pictures and the girls fell asleep. The outside was just too much excitement for Sanna. She fell asleep shortly after the first hundred pictures were taken. Riley stayed alseep, but whined after a while. She had been working on her extreme paleness for too long to ruin it for one day of outdoor fun. Like that groundhog, she wanted to go back inside for the rest of the winter. They did sleep a ton the rest of the day, so I think we will repeat this adventure all Spring/Summer.

1 comment:

G.A.Sandy said...

Ah, hopefully Ol' Man Winter is leaving and good fresh air outside will sing a lullaby to the girls....(it works with me...) Sounds like a great time was had by all, before and after, and we get to enjoy great pics...
