Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Sunday, March 15, 2009

Daddy's Day of Fun

My weekend of solo baby care turned into a fun-filled extravaganza of visitors and activity. Nick and Katie came into town for the weekend to see Purdue play. Due to Purdue actually winning for once they are still here. They aided ticket scalpers in order to fund their hunger for nachos and beer. They bought tickets for todays game and actually plan to go. The girls allowed me to sleep in until almost 8 on Saturday, which was nice. The weather wasnt as nice as I had hoped, but it was warm enough to get outside. We walked down to Mass Ave and got some Yats with Nick and Katie. Afterwards, we headed back home, stopping at the park and some neighbors homes. Sanna loves nothing more than trying to eat grass and dirt. I tried my best to keep it from geting to her mouth. I even put a blaket underneath her, but she would move it out of the way in order to get to the grass. She is already smarter than me. There was another family there with us. I talked with them mom for a while. She had two kids that were about 3 and 5. She informed me that our kids were teething late (7 mo for first breakthrough), and may just go straight to walking. I have heard from one notable mother that going straight to walking results in developmental issues. the point of this story is not to listen to anybody, read any books, or have the internet. It can only lead to problems. Anyway, enjoy the new video. It is a little longer than usual but it has some funny moments. I am working on some new features for the blog. If anyone has any suggestions, I welcome them.


G.A.Sandy said...

Too cute and rather prophetic....they both want the same piece of the toy....I must admit they are both really nice about it... Some day it will be the same sweater or necklace. Love this video, if they continue to play together as well, you are truly blessed.

Love you all;
G.A. Sandy

Patti said...

Was that a "dada" that I heard at the beginning of the video????????

Katie and Jon said...

The crazy lady in the park know nothing! Owen didn't get his first tooth until a week before he was 7 months; he started to crawl shortly there after.
Anywhere we go I find that other parents, moms mostly, love to tell you what your kid should be doing at this stage. I think they do it mostly to make themselves feel like better parents!

Bri said...

Other parents are stupid. Don't listen to them. Except when they say things like, "Wow your child is exceptionally gifted." Then they are very smart.

Jill said...

How sweet they share with each other! They are precious.