Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Thursday, December 18, 2008

Whose Babies are These?

I have been hearing for weeks now, "that picture of Sanna looks just like you", "Riley looks like me when I was a baby", etc.  I have yet to see the resemblance between either of us and our children.   Please tell me what you think looks like either of us on each baby.  I know they are super cute, which they got from me.  They laugh at all my jokes, which they got from Laurin.   What else?


Patti said...

I've said from day 1 that Sanna has Ryan's lips. In these pictures, Riley's eyes look like Ryan's and Sanna's eyes look like Laurin's. They are both BEAUTIFUL!



Patti said...

Oh, I forgot....Riley has Ryan's skin tone. Sanna has Laurin's.

Bri said...

They are a mix of both of you. Plus, they are still little so it is too hard to tell. You and Laurin are so old in those pictures, you can't compare! Just wait until they get hair and their attitudes and you will be able to tell :)

G.A.Sandy said...

I agree- too soon to tell- but can see Ryan;s mouth and Riley's are similar....
looks like a real mix for sure....
Babies change sooooo much....

Anyway....soooooo beautiful.

merry, merry....


C8ertot said...

I think Laurin has the eyes department covered, but the mouths remind me of the mailman...

Kathy said...

well I think it was November when I commented in the Flickr section of the slides how much Sanna resembled your MOM!! She does look like you Ryan. But these girl's are a melange of the two. But Riley favors Laurin and Sanna favors you. TA DA

G.A. Kathy