Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Thursday, December 4, 2008

Biggest Loser Update

It appears that three members of the household are not putting their all into the Biggest Loser challenge.  At our doctor appointment today, Sanna gained 1lb 9 oz to weigh in at 14lb 10oz.  Riley added 1lb 13oz to weigh in at 15lb 8oz.  Laurin is not reporting any weight loss as far as I remember.  I though, can report a marked improvement.  I am pretty sure I am down at least a pound.  If you see me, do not congratulate me.  This is only the beginning.  I cant rest on my laurels now.  I have 14 more pounds to go before Florida.  Anyway, I am off to Michigan for the evening.  Laurin will be braving it alone.  Look forward to tales of horrible babies.  They always seem to go crazy when I am gone.  They clearly miss me and I am a calming influence.


Ryan Iannucci said...

Is there anyone else that uses the presence of shirt stains/wetness to distinguish between Sanna and Riley?

Patti said...

It's not the stains/'s the color of the binky!