Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Saturday, December 20, 2008

Not Quite Christmas Card Material

With the family in town for the baptism, we did our best to get a cute baby picture set up for some type of Christmas communication. Being the expert photographers we are, we thought a solo picture of the ladies in front of the tree would be great. As you can see, what resulted was a unhappy duo with uncontrollable hats in front of a big pillow.


G.A.Sandy said...

Whew! We have just laughed so hard at these wonderful, realistic, pictures of you guys trying to get that perfect little picture...these are so much more fun!!!

And as for the videos we have played and replayed them.....what is funnier, the girls or Ryan laughing...

We love you guys, these are SO GREAT!!!!!

G.A. Sandy and Uncle Norm

Patti said...

I agree...Ryan your laugh is priceless in both of the videos! :) The Christmas pics are too funny! Nice try though! (Your tree is very pretty...)