Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Saturday, December 27, 2008

Road Trip Horror Show

After a wicked sweet Christmas in Grand Rapids we had to head home to get ready for Florida.  Weather during the visit to G Rap ranged from snowing and freezing cold to raining and balmy.  the latter caused huge amounts of fog.  We left around 1:45 PM and got home around 7.  Thats about an hour longer than usual.  Here's how the fun broke down.  Just after leaving, the meticulously packed trunk of the Escape (only half was used to leave room for the dogs) toppled over and almost crushed the dogs.   We had to pull over and rearrange the suitcases.  Not long into the trip Riley started crying.  We held her off for a while, but then Laurin was forced to feed her.  Both of us were almost falling asleep, which is fun when you are driving through fog/pouring rain and managing unruly infants. Laurin hopped in the back seat for the first of many times and fed/entertained Riley, who we think is teething.   Later, we hit a massive traffic backup at the 94/65 interchange.  We lost about 20 minutes there sitting around for some unknown reason.   After that,  I decided I needed caffeine, so we stopped and got pop/candy/gas.  Soon after that Sanna ate and quickly proceeded to make a hot mess in her pants.  We had about 90 miles to go at that point.  We normally would have left her, but she was crying due to the fact that her diaper rash was clearly being irritated by the presence of an acidic mess.  So, we pulled off at another exit and changed Sanna under the canopy of the gas pumps in the pouring rain.  I forgot to mention that Frankie was also whining like a little baby, so I had to walk him at one of the stops.  I treaded trough a mine field of mud and crap, leaving my shoes in utter disrepair.   Later on, we were halted once again as there was a car engulfed in flames off to the side of the highway.  After another 10-15 minutes lost we headed home while being serenaded by the sounds of a screaming Riley, who apparently wanted to eat again, but luckily fell asleep for the last 20 minutes.    We got home, where it thankfully wasnt raining, and unpacked the car.  Happy to be home is an understatement.   We will never be leaving the house again (especially with the dogs).   I almost forgot to add that my cell phone was dead, so I couldnt text/check my email/update my facebook status the whole way home.  I dont know how we made it home sane.  I uploaded a bunch of Christmas pics to Flickr.  There are more to come.  


G.A.Sandy said...

Ah, Christmas trips with babies....but thanks to the teamwork of Laurin and you all went well and you landed safely. Your dexterity with two babies, pets and the perils of the road are impressive...

LOVED the pics of the babies, so adorable.
May only joy and blessings await all four of you in 2009!!

Much love;
G.A.Sandy and G.U. Norm

Kathy said...

I hope you are backing this stuff up Ryan it is priceless. You need to train the dogs to entertain the girls. Ok Kidding. Life is never the same when children arrive but it is a great cache of memories for sure. Have a great trip down to FL. Can't wait until we hear how the ladies did on the plane.
Signed anxious to know in Taunton

Patti said...

I notice that in your new main picture on the blog (at the top) the parents seem to take second fiddle. The parents seem to think that they are actually in the picture.....

G.A.Sandy said...

Hi- will not vote on who has the hotter beach bod- my great nieces BOTH have hot beach bods!!

Love the pics....

G.A. Sandy