Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Thursday, December 11, 2008

Laughter is the Best Medicine

We have had many requests for videos of laughter. Also included are pictures of the ladies passed out after partyin. I coudnt get them to load in the order I wanted . Please forgive me.


Patti said...

They are PRECIOUS!!!!!!!!!!!!! You have no idea how many HOURS are wasted out here by us watching your videos! There could NEVER be too many (ahem)



Patti said...

Opps....GAP (I meant)

mariellen said...

I could just eat those two up. Their laughs are infectious.

Granny Smith

G.A.Sandy said...

Happy babies...happy parents and Happy all of us who are getting our mega dose of laughter with these giggles which are so loaded with love!!!!
Now I am going to wear this one out,too!!


G.A.Sandy and Uncle Norm

Kathy said...

They will be saving their giggles for the christening. Mimi our Yorkie loves hearing them squeal as well. Thanks for the best blog in town

Aunt Kath

angie bermes said...

oh my gosh -- that was freaking adorable... the laughing -- they get that from me...

G.A.Sandy said...

everyday I have to get my giggle fix....

G.A. Sandy