Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Monday, September 29, 2008

What have we learned so far?

Nothing really. We continue to be baffled by the variability of day-to-day life for our divas. Case in point....on Friday night, we took the ladies to Drlich manor for a intimate gathering of friends (and Bermes). We fed Sanna around 7 and put her in her car seat around 8. She didnt eat again until almost 5AM! Is it the magic of the car seat? Possibly. Riley slept for quite a long time too that night. Last night however, they both slept in ~2-3 hour chunks despite an awake/fussy day. Next up, puking. Some times, Riley will shower us with her entire meal. Other time, she wont barf up a drop? What is the cause for this variability in gastrointestinal volatility? Recently, Sanna has gotten in on the fun too. Our ladies are getting more alert, which is good. They will stare/track us as we move around. We are going to a craniosacral therapist on Thursday. You can all look up what that is. She is hoping to help with Riley's reflux. We might get Sanna some help as well, maybe she can cure excessive grunting. Anyway, I wanted to post something after my longest ever time between posts. At 7Am in the airport this is what you get. I hope you enjoyed my ramblings. If any of you in the Indianapolis area are bored, check in on Laurin today to make sure she hasnt killed herself/the babies. Thanks.


Bri said...

Isn't it quite obvious that the reason Sanna and Riley slept so well that night was because they were at our house? Maybe it was Ozzie's karma, or the melodical voice of Barack Obama playing in the background? Who knows. You are welcome to bring them over any time you would like a good night of sleep.

Patti said...

We need more video! I see they are smiling in some pictures now... is it just gas or are they laughing at you two? If so, get them to smile on video???????



Melissa said...

Thank GOD the posts are back. I actually got some work done last week. We don't want anyone expecting stuff like that.

Kathy said...

Laurin and Ryan Did you know that children are here to make parents crazy..just enjoy the ride. Hope you had a profitable trip.

Aunt kathy

Kathy said...

Who recommended this craniosacral therapist?