Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Does Anyone Not Understand the Slideshow?

Laurin is concerned that our readership does not know how to access the flickr photostream.  All you need to do is click on the slideshow, and it will take you to our flickr page.  Once there, click on the link to the right that says "rcsmith794's photostream" and you will have access to the last 200 pictures we have uploaded.  She mistakenly thinks that people really only come to the blog to see the latest pics of our ladies.  She is sadly mistaken, but I will humor her.  Do you want to see more pics of the ladies on each post (similar to the early days of Verbal Diarhhea), or are you happy with the current format.  I prefer having more room for posts while still giving every access to even more pictures.  Is anyone too lazy to make two extra clicks to see our ladies?

1 comment:

C8ertot said...

I just checked out the stream yesterday, as a matter of fact. I spent so long trying to figure out who looked more mischievous...Ryan or the girls, that I was late for class ! Keep up the good work--I know I'm hooked.