Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Sunday, July 27, 2008

Rockin' Out

So, it turns out that there are only so many variations of pictures you can take of two babies in a hospital room. We are going home tomorrow, where the possibilities are endless. If anyone has any suggestions for poses or concepts, I am all ears. We have been testing various music for its soothing effects. Riley enjoys Vampire Weekend, while Sanna is more of a Belle and Sebastian fan. Riley is trying Johnny Cash at the moment.


Christine and Matthew said...

First off congratulations! Next, a point of contention - the wardrobes so far are leaving much to be desired. First, the twins - we were promised a "myriad of cute outfits." So far only one outfit has been noted. And in fact, the same outfit over two days of posts. Disappointed. Next, Ryan - proving that soccer jerseys can and should be worn at all of life's perfect moments. Good call - fashion and function. You never know when a soccer game might break out on the labor and delivery ward. Thank god you were prepared.

Matthew would prefer Owen and Christine wanted to take Frankie off your hands. Do you have any two for one specials?

Big Ryan said...

Matthew, I appreciate your thoughtful attention to the blog. After you stay up for 36 hours straight and look like your ready for the prom, let me know. I can see your hours of wathching "what not to wear" are paying off. Here at the hospital, they dress them in their own outfits. They get cold easily, so coverage it key. Our "myriad of cute outfits" consist of dresses and "onesies" that are better but harder to get on and off. If you saw the last post, I am now promising to go crazy starting tomorrow at home. Also, there is a two-for-one on the dogs. $400 or creative trade offers will be accepted.