Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Sunday, July 27, 2008


New Polls are up. I cant figure out how to allow more elaborate answers, so feel free to leave comments attached to this post. Also, for all of you who are wondering, I did get the first hold. Laurin finally realized I was right. Would those people who voted for after the 23rd as the birthday please let me know so I can send out the prizes.


Patti said...

Thanks for the pic update. I can't tell you who looks like who because I don't know which one is which? Are you guys changing hats on us? I voted for the 25th in your first blog so I get a prize! :) You guys all look great! Can't wait to see you!



Anonymous said...

I voted "Ryan" for who Riley looked like. Not you, me.

Ryan Stohler

G.A.Sandy said...

Good morning all:
Thanks for all the pics-love them! Are you all going home today for the grand reunion with the doggies?
I voted for after the 23rd so looking forward to my prize!

Kisses to you both and the girls.

G.A. Sandy

Granny Smith said...

Help! I'm in baby withdrawal! Already miss them terribly. I'm sure you'll have plenty of homecoming pictures, as well as doggie encounters. Kisses and hugs to both of them, and of course both parents, too.

Granny Smith

G.A.Sandy said...

This is Uncle Norm. Congratulations to you and Laurin for the beautiful twins!
? Ryan- do you have a second job yet??
