Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Wednesday, July 16, 2008

New Poll

I wanted to offer a new poll to gets everyone's opinion on a hot topic in the Smith house.  About a month ago, I called "first hold" after the first baby is born.  Not knowing how shotgun rules apply to births, I just assumed I should get in early.  Laurin is contesting this on the basis that she carrried the babies for 9 months and that was a pain or something.  Please give me your objective opinion on this stalemate.  See the poll section to vote.


Denise E said...

ryan - you crack me up! sorry, i voted for laurin on this one! i hope this doesn't hurt our son's chances with your girls! ;)

Patti said...

DEFINATELY NO!!!!! It goes without saying that Laurin gets "first hold" as she has done all of the work so far! Funny comment though!
