Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Sunday, July 20, 2008

The home stretch.....

Everyone has been asking for pictures of Laurin as she nears the big day, so here you go.  Also, see my entry into July's "beard of the month club".  Laurin is 37 weeks, 4 days.  We have four days to go...


Denise E said... look awesome! i can't believe there are 2 babies in there! hang in there...just a few days to go! ryan - dan likes the beard! :)

Bri said...


What a beard!

Really, Laurin, you look GREAT! You should have twins all the time, your body was made for it. Hang in there, the end is near.

Patti said...

I agree Laurin, you look wonderful! You are going to spring back into shape in 1 week! I'm sure you don't feel small.... Nice beard Ryan!