Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Goodbye Loyal Readers

It is with a great degree of sadness that I announce the proposed termination of 'Verbal Diarrhea'.  I am thoroughly disappointed with the amount of response and interaction I am getting from the posts.  I dont know if we have been too generous in sharing our beautiful children with you in person, but there doesnt seem to be a need for up to the minute baby information/comedy in blog form.  I have two choices:  shut down the blog, or stop allowing visitors.  I know you all live for updates on our little hellraisers, so dont make me ban you from the house.  I will take guidance from my readership as I decide how to proceed.   To those of you who have been there all along, enjoying my tireless efforts, I am sorry the inaction of others may cause you to lose the joy that is our blog.  


Unknown said...

What is this BS you propose? I can't travel to see your babies so you need to keep posting. Don't disappoint!

Unknown said...

You can't shut this blog down. I read this every morning right after I finish skimming through the latest issue of Reader's Digest...

Patti said...

You cannot stop the blog updates!!!! This blog is my whole life! I check it 20 times a day! How is life with my little angels? Are they sleeping without being held? Are they gaining weight. What are you doing for their birthday today? :)



Maria said...

what? quitting so soon? and to think i have already added this blog to my "check every day" list. are you too tired? get a little sleep when the babies are napping and keep posting.
sleeping...that brings up an interesting point. are they sleeping for you at all?

Bri said...

Someone has cranky pants.

Denise E said...

i agree with bri - definite cranky pants! don't stop the posting!! i love seeing the pictures and the commentary is priceless...

Granny Smith said...

Stop the blog and I'll have to call in the Portuguese mafia.

G.A.Sandy said...


Like all of the fan club I beg you not to stop the blog-it is so great to see those beautiful babies changing each day.... We keep checking in to get our daily allotment of smiles...

G.A.S. Sandy

Kathy said...

Whassup Ryan. I am traveling and Uncle Frank shut off his internet connection. I am presently stealing time from some one in the neighborhood here if Florida. I can not live without seeing the ladies at will. DO NOT SHUT THE PAGE OFF!. Sorry please do not shut it down.
Love Auntie Kathy