Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Thursday, July 31, 2008

Follow-Up Quiz

Who is who?


Patti said...

I already guessed (correctly) as I was talking to Laurin on the phone! I just had to comment anyway so that you don't stop my favorite blog!



Unknown said...

round race riley is on top and fair completion Sanna is on below her ;) ??

Grampa S said...

These are two of the finest baby girls I've ever seen. Of course, I'm prejudiced.

Grandpa Smith

G.A.Sandy said...

Hi and D.N.S.T.B.!!!!
Do not stop the blog!!! I have not been able to get on last day or so as busy with artsy stuff but I have printed one of the pics of the babies and it is now framed where it can inspire me and make me feel warm and nice....
Am interested in your contest and will see what I can do.....

Love and lots of it!
Aunt Sandy

Kathy said...

How can we not guess who is who Ryan. Riley on top and Sanna on bottom. Hope I have finally got them straight.
Want Red Sox shirts ....?
Love Auntie Kathy

Big Ryan said...

You are correct!!. I think it is safe to say that the ladies are Red Sox fans. Laurin does have some fondness for the Tigers, but I dont think she would mind. Nothing with stupid Manny on it though :). I can imagine them being Jon Lester fans.

Patti said...

They will be BUCCANEER fans!!!!!!!Do you want Buc shirts? Are you ready for some football?


Aunt Patti

Big Ryan said...

Patti, there will be no Bucs fans in the Smith house. They will have the choice between Lions and Patriots (what a silly proposition). Their loyalties will probably go as follows:

1. Soccer: Liverpool/Arsenal
2. Football: Patriots
3. Basketball: Celtics
4. Hockey: Red Wings/Bruins
5. Baseball: Red Sox
6. Arena Football: Grand Rapids Rampage
7. Women's Biliards: Jeanette Lee
8. Bowling: Parker Bohn III
9. Frisbee Golf: Ken Climo (or their dad)
10. Golf: John Daly

G.A.Sandy said...

what no gatoruuwd fans???? But, their stuff is so cute....!

G.A. Sandy

G.A.Sandy said...

correction: What no gator fans...that is college football which Uncle Norm says is not in your list.
Sorry for the previous goofup... but gator stuff is soooo cute.


Patti said...

You may THINK that they will be Patriot fans, but when it comes to FOOTBALL their great-aunt-patti will show them the ropes. You can have all of the other sports..... They WILL be Buc's fans! :) As far as college.... I think you should go with the Central Michigan University "Chippewas". Highly esteemed!
