Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Monday, July 28, 2008

First Day Home

Ok, so we finally got home around 1 today.   Not going outside in 96 hours is a strange thing.  We kept watching the news in the room and not feeling like we were in Indianapolis.  You dont feel like part of the real world.  Melissa will be happy to know our little fatties lost some major ounces.  Sanna is down to a little over 5lbs, and Riley is a little over 6.  We are supplementing with formula for a few days to keep their weights up.  They ladies really dig spending quality time together on the bear pillow thing (thanks Sandi and Eric).  There has only been one recorded fight.  The video is too big to post here apparently. I will keep trying...

We are about to venture out of the house for our first walk.  What a crazy life we lead.   The dogs are taking to the babies well.  Lots of interest but no licking, biting, or scratching.  They can stay for another day.  See the picture of Los Lonely Boys in action (or inaction).


Granny Smith said...

These new pictures are so precious. Looks like the homecoming was a success. The sisters seem to love being back together snuggling again, too. They are too cute for words.

Grandma S

G.A.Sandy said...

Hi Laurin and Ryan: well, what to say about these incredible photos...THESE ARE THE MOST
Keep these pics coming, we are so enjoying them and I wish we were there to actually hold them already.
Keep saying Auntie Sandy and Uncle Norm so they will know us....
Love the outfits and matching blankets- Laurin, Mariellen told me your grandmother made the quilts, they are beautiful.
Once again y'all have made our day!

G.A. Sandy