Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Monday, July 28, 2008

Bringin the cute.....

First day home=limitless photo opportunities.  


Patti said...

They look identical to me! This is the first time i've seen skin, feet and toes. Do they look exactly alike? They don't even look that different in size from the photos! Congratulations again and THANKS for the pics!



Big Ryan said...

I think that they look alike in some ways, but you can definitely tell who is who. Most people think that Sanna looks like Ryan and Riley looks like me. Sanna is definitely a little peanut, while Riley is a little more filled out.

Patti said...

Is the "first recorded fight" that you were talking about recorded in the 2nd to last pic? I'm assuming that is Sanna on the left and I think it looks like she is winning! They are SO special! I love seeing those little bodies! Hope you are getting some rest! I can't wait to decide for myself who looks like who!



Patti said...

I also see that they inherited their AP's perfect FEET! :)

chrisjohnson said...

Who attached the little bird legs to the girl in the top photo? I agree the in the seconf to last photo the wee girl on the left is giving the business to the wee girl on the right.
Many congratulations on both babies and glad to hear mom is doing well also. Add these two to Amber and Melissa's babies and the class of 2025 is looking quite good :-) Chris