Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Friday, July 25, 2008


After a very long day of labor, we welcomed Sanna Marie Smith and Riley Isabel Smith into this world! Laurin was induced at 730AM, and started pushing around 900. At about 11, there had been no progress, so a decision to perform a c-section was made. Both babies came out quickly and are very healthy. Sanna came out first, and weighed 5lbs 10oz. Riley came out second and weighed 6lbs 10oz. Both babies are spoiled already, only agreeing to sleep when help. Riley is turning into a good eater/sleeper, but Sanna is still working out the kinks. I will give them another 24 hours, or we are going to have to get new kids. We have been up for about 24 hours. Enjoy the pictures, there will be much more to come after I sleep and we unleash the myriad of cute outfits we packed. In the pic where they are together, Sanna is on the left with the white hat.


Patti said...




Melissa said...

oh they are perfect!! congrats you two!! love to the WHOLE family, melissa

Melissa said...

I still can't believe these two were inside of you. amazing.

Ryan Iannucci said...

Congratulations you guys! So . . . who got first hold?

TARA said...

congratulations, ryan and laurin! i can't wait to meet the girls, they are absolutely precious!

Kathy said...

Ryan and Laurin what beautiful girls. Grandma Angie would be so proud and happy. Leo and I send our love . Laurin get your rest because you will need it.

Great Aunt Kate and Uncle Leo
Peter and of course MiMi. She sends her best to Owen and Frank.

G.A.Sandy said...

Dear Laurin and Ryan:
Somehow my message did not get on but....
Good going Laurin!!! And Ryan! What beautiful daughters.....We are loving them all the way from North Florida!!!

Great Aunt Sandy and Grand Uncle Norm

Bri said...

I can't wait to come over and eat them. They are so precious. I might take one home with me. Love you guys!
Bri, Jake, Abe

Denise E said...

congratulations!!! we couldn't be happier for you both! if you decide to get new babies, let me know - they are pretty darn cute and they can come live with us! :) love you guys!

Unknown said...

CONGRATULATIONS!!!!! They are both beautiful! Wish you much sleep in the months ahead! Way to carry those girls so far along, Laurin! You guys rock!!!!
Sandi and Eric

Unknown said...

Congratulations! They are so cute! I think they both look like Laurin so far. Ha! Ha! I hope you get some rest.