Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Saturday, July 26, 2008


So, it has come to my attention that there are loyal blog readers who are not happy with the frequency and quantity of pictures/posts. I believe I made it clear early on that the only way to make this site fit everyones needs was to give feedback. If you dont ask, your not going to get it. From now on, I welcome and comments or suggestions, positive or negative. I was disappointed with the completely positive posts from everyone today. Noone had the balls to say either baby looked funny, or like them (implying that they had fathered my children). Anyway, step up your game blog commenters, or this will just be another lame baby blog.


Patti said...

They are just too cute! I think I might be the one complaining about the frequency of new pics. I would like a new pic at least twice a day!!!!!!!!!!!!! Come on Dad! We're starving out here!



Patti said...

How much for the dogs and the housekeeper?