Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Childrens Museum

The girls love the Childrens Museum. Me, not so much. Mostly because I hate crowds. We arrived soon after opening on Friday, and there were about 100 school buses lined up outside. Im not sure how hanging out in the Barbie exhibit and laughing at your middle school male classmates/teachers dress up as princesses is a learning experience, but Im not an educator. Also, apparently every mother with a toddler/stroller showed up. The highlight for me was sitting inside the replica train car that has videos in the windows that make it look like you are moving. Laurin and I played it up a bit and Riley got confused/scared. All of her logical mind assured her we werent moving, but she couldnt be certain. Sorry for the gaps between posts.


Nancy Hendrickson said...

The girls love those horses, don't they? Looks like lots of fun at the Children's Museum!!!


Such great pics. Have missed posts, but surely understand.
And I love the hats on the girls, especially on the receptionist!!!!

Kathy said...

We love the posts either on Fb or here. Oh the train must be fun. Every evening Mimi growls as the trains whistle in the night. Maybe she thinks it is a dragon. I agree with my sister love the hats.

Love you all

Patti said...

Oh my gosh!!! A POST!!!!!! ;)
I agree with everyone....CUTE hats and CUTER girls!

mariellen said...

So glad to have a new posting!!
Great pix. As always, they seem to love every outing they go on. Looks like it was a fun trip.