Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Sunday, November 13, 2011

Going Parking

On a beautiful Fall day, we headed to the park with the whole gang, including grandma, Dawson, and Owen. Owen was keen to show off his regained mobility. There were all kinds of dogs and children at the park, so everyone had friends to play with. The girls dont seem to want to give up the baby swings. I assume it is mostly to do with the speed and height they can safely achieve. Later, the girls and their friend Avery gave Owen a fake bath with dirt and leaves. Somehow, he ended up smelling better.


Patti said...

That first picture is AMAZING!!!! I think about the first pictures of them the first time that you put them in those swings!!! What a difference!!!!

Kathy said...

It is great to see these wonderfully active girls making their own fun without fancy toys.You need to be able to do both and they make the best of both worlds. Great job parents!
Owen is very patient :a dog always loyal. Ummm a bath with leaves and dirt is right up Mimi's alley as well.



Love the pics- can smell the autumn air - or is that Owen after his fake bath..
Anyway, a day for little girls and dogs to run and feel free. Delightful!