Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Wednesday, July 27, 2011

4 Minutes of Riley


Kathy said...

oh she is so articulate. Watch out Katie Couric. Here comes Riley..

G.A.Kathy spellbound for sure.


Incredible....I think NBC,etc will be calling.
She is wonderful but her patient and willing interviewees are pretty special too!

mariellen said...

I think she's going to be a great preschool teacher. She assessing her parents expressive vocabulary.

Away We Go said...

I like Liger's. It's pretty much my favorite animal. It's like a lion and a tiger mixed... bred for its skills in magic.

Patti said...

Oh how CUTE!!!! She is amazing!

Patti said...

Tell her that I like monkeys!!!!

Nancy Hendrickson said...

I like hedgehogs!!!!!!!!! When is my interview?????

Mental Diarrhea said...

Oh my gosh -- that girl is so amazing-- CEO of the world or something. I love how she had the order down - first you then you... I miss them!