Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Sunday, July 31, 2011


The big day finally arrived yesterday after much planning. The girls were eager to see all their friends and eat cupcakes. They were also eager to open the big box that we left sitting in the foyer all week until grandma and papa arrived. The big box turned out to hold an exciting new backyard play house, which was met with screams of joy. It was built (comical photos exist of papa and I building this thing while the girls slept) and placed in the backyard to await the girls when they woke from their nap. I hope this heat wave ends soon, because the number of hours we will be forced to spend playing in the backyard now may kill me.

Sanna and Riley were the first to arrive at the party, allowing Sanna ample time to hoard all the fruit. I have to redirect her many times so that there would be some left for our guests. She is persistent though.

Apparently the only things that scares Riley more than clowns is the attention of a large group. She did not appreciate being sung to our stared at for all of 20 seconds. Sanna didnt seem to mind as it was the price to pay for a sweet cupcake.

Oddly, the two people that may have enjoyed the party the most were the Drlich boys. Sam could not get enough of the machine Sweet Pea (the non-clown clown that painted arms and made balloon animals) used to inflate the balloons.

Abe's dream of being covered in Spiderman imagery came true thanks to Sweet Pea. She blew away everyone's expectations for face painting, even using glitter to accentuate her designs.

Sanna went for the ladybug and flower look. Yesterday, her favorite color was pink, so that was what she got.

Riley's favorite color was green for the day, so she got butterflies and flowers. She made sure Sweet Pea did everything the way she wanted it. She later informed Sweet Pea that her mother wanted some arm art as well, about 50 times.


Patti said...

Sorry I miss the big bash! It looks like a huge success. We need more pictures!!!!! I can barely see the new house in the backyard!

Patti said...



HAPPY,HAPPY BIRTHDAY THREE YEAR OLDS!! Wow, that is one great arm.face painting artist..awesome. You guys really know how to throw a birthday bash!!!