Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Tuesday, December 21, 2010

A Very Smith Christmas!

Last weekend we headed to Grammy and Papa's house to partake in the highly anticipated Smith Christmas. The girls were so excited to see Grammy, Papa, Aunt Jenna, Tom and, for the very first time, Tom's 2 year old daughter, and their new BFF, Genevieve. We all had a great time hanging out and catching up.

One of the highlights of Riley's trip was when Grammy offered to paint her toenails for the very first time. Riley chose a nice, subtle, orangey color to make her toes beautiful. She was very patient and still while Grammy did the painting, and then sat staring at their beauty while they dried. She had an ear to ear smile and proudly showed off her toes to anyone who would listen.

Santa came and filled all of the kid's stockings with lots of goodies. The kids could not get over how he knew EXACTLY what they liked. Amazing!

All 3 girls got a puppy that makes all kinds of sounds. They came in fancy carrying bags along with several veterinary tools to ensure that they stay healthy. The girls all decided that the stethoscopes made fabulous leashes.

The Smith girls got a Weeble house so that all of their Weebles have a place to party. Sanna was especially excited to add to her beloved Weeble family. Pretty soon she is going to need a moving van to carry all of her Weebles and Weeble accessories around.

They also got a Wonder Pets schoolhouse that talks and sings. Now baby animals that I didn't even know existed are being saved by Linny, Tuck and Ming Ming too.

The girls finally cooperated long enough to get a cute picture with Grammy. Can you guess what they were doing in this picture? That's right, watching Wonder Pets, of course.

The girls have started being more cooperative in the picture taking department. They will pretend like they actually like each other, and even put their arms around one another for at least 5 to 10 seconds at a time. Riley still insists on rockin the squinty cheese smile, but we'll take it, at least it's a smile.

Family picture time; not too shabby. What a good lookin bunch!

Now the REAL picture. This is definitely more reflective of who we are! :) Merry Christmas everyone!!


Patti said...

haha! LOVE the "real" family picture! And Riley, those toes are beautiful and remind me of someone else's beautiful toes! (and NO, it isn't yours Laurin!!)

mariellen said...

It was a wonderful holiday weekend. The greatest Christmas gift of all is having all the family home together. Having three little girls discover the wonder of Santa was even better.

Grammy S

G.A.Sandy said...

WE LOVE< LOVE these pictures!!! Especially the real Christmas photo and of course, the pic of Grammy Smith and the girls....I see both of these being framed and maybe hung in my studio so I can see them all the time!!

Love you lots and lots!
Aunt Sandy

Kathy said...

We all have so much to be thankful for in our familia. These pictures capture some of our blessings for sure. Love both the pictures and they all were so behaving when I webcammed that day. Merry Christmas to all.