Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Friday, December 24, 2010

Florida, Round 3

Our third trip to Florida with the girls began with our least eventful flight. Weeks of preparation went into 2 hours of entertainment. iPods, iPads, dvd players, lollipops, and coloring books did the trick, although it took a few too many lollipops for Riley than we would have liked. The only issues came after arriving at the gate and having to wait to deplane for 20 minutes. Riley asked us 156 times why she couldnt get off the plane. Sanna writhed around on Laurin, whining for freedom. For our first night in Florida, the girls rewarded us with a 430 AM wake up call. Thankfully, the ridiculousness of waking up at 430 resulted in a 3 hour nap t 10. That was their first nap in weeks (we have figured out that putting them in separate rooms stops Sanna from bothering Riley why she tries to sleep.) Our only adventure for the day (besides forcing my lazy butt to run three miles) was going to the beach. The ample sunlight and adventurous subjects led to some photo gold. Enjoy. More to come tomorrow.

Riley and Sanna like to be thrown in the air as high as possible. Riley has added a degree of difficulty by flailing her legs around in the air, making the catch far more challenging.

Nick and Katie were practicing their moves for their first dance as a married couple. Back to the drawing board I think.

The girls parlayed their gymnastic lessons into a mean game of hopscotch. It was like watching karate kid as their turned their 'together, apart' skills into hopscotch dominance.

This photo was actually taken on the way down. Sanna stiff-legged approach to being tossed in the air allowed me to throw her about 10 feet up.


G.A.Sandy said...

Daddy must have some good biceps!
Love all the pics.

gotta' go listen to the concert again...

Aunt Sandy

Kathy said...

Wow..that must take strength Ryan. Great becasue they are fearless and we want them to be adventurous. Actually the Nick and Kate dance move just needed a tux and wedding dress to make it complete. Enjoy the sun I have 18 inches of frozen snow to contend with UGH!! Still digging out.


Mental Diarrhea said...

that is such an awesome shot.