Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Saturday, December 11, 2010

Holiday Party

The annual neighborhood holiday party was last night. Thanks to our good friend Melissa, we have been tasked with planning this event the last two years. This year ended up being far less stressful than last year, but the number of children increased greatly, resulting in lots of shopping/wrapping. As a last minute purchase I picked up some balloons and sharpies to entertain the kids prior to Santa's arrival. It worked very well for Riley, until the balloons started popping due to the sharp tips of the markers. There were a few tears shed, but the time passed before the tears was worth it.

Blowing up the balloons turned out to be much harder than expected. Watching 5 adults nearing hyperventilation was pretty amusing. I almost passed out towards the end. No amount of stretching could make these balloons easily inflated.

Sanna's artwork was impressive as always. Very little marker got on her face/body, which was nice.

I am not sure how Laurin pulled this shot off, but ill take it. I am sure someone's hair was pulled immediately after this.

This was taken before the party. Riley didnt like being told she was pretty, thus the scowl.

Overall, the party was a hit. Thankfully our girls waited until the final moments to fill their diapers with the aroma of hot death. We were the only ones around to enjoy it as we finished cleaning up. Sanna took over Riley's role as 'afraid of everyone girl'. Neither girl would sit on Santa's lap, so we didnt get that photo op, but that may change in the future. When Sanna saw that Santa had gotten her two new Weebles, her feelings towards him changed completely. Riley got a princess doll, which was also well received. We will see what happens when we next cross paths with the man in the red suit.


mariellen said...

Looks like it was a lot of fun. Loved the checked shirts. So cute!

Patti said...

Those are the 2 cutest Christmas elves that I have ever seen! I hope they warm up to Santa!

Patti said...

(thanks for the new desktop background picture Laurin!!!)

Kathy said...

Oh they are growing up so quickly . The picture is adorable. Merry Christmas have fun this weekend.

Love Auntie Kathy