Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Sunday, December 26, 2010

Christmas Cheer

Our princesses were once again showered with gifts thanks to their very generous aunts, uncles, grandparents, and great grandparents. Riley dressed the part soon after receiving this little number. The biggest hits of the day were the decorative suitcases that can hold all their new toys and be wheeled around when a quick escape is needed.

Before receiving her suitcase, Sanna was forced to take off down the hall carrying both of the new doll houses her and Riley received. She was caught shortly after this photo by Riley and one house was confiscated.

My skills at the group shot are improving. It helps to have good subjects. Nick has a little captain in him as you can see. Sanna has mastered the cheese face while Riley cant be bothered.

The excitement of the day was a bit much for our youngest daughter. She couldnt even sit up straight after a while.

Just like their father, new electronics were a cause for much excitement. These little 'laptops' send them emails from their loved ones and track their learning progress. I will give them report cards every month as a continued attempt to foster competition.

1 comment:

Kathy said...

It is a great life! Send my best to all. Coming down there jan 2.

Kiss the girls, all three Ryan.
Love Auntie Kathy