Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Thursday, December 2, 2010

Best Two Days Ever!!

Now, as you all know, I love my children dearly, however, two days in a row without them every now and then are certainly welcomed. Grandma and Papa Hendrickson offered to take the kids off of our hands for a few days so that they could get their grandchildren "fill" before heading to Florida for 3 months. I had to think long and hard about handing my darling little angels over for that long ;), but in the end I conceded, resulting in THE BEST TWO DAYS EVER!! I did miss the little poodles, but it was absolutely GLORIOUS to go Christmas shopping and do household chores without whining, fighting, running, meltdowns, etc. I also discovered the sound of................. wait for it ............... silence. It. Was. Beautiful. I think that the girls probably appreciated their time away from us as well. Two whole days without scolding, nagging, correcting, or compromising. Absolute heaven, I'm sure. Here are a few more reasons why the girls loved their time away from home:

They loved Grandma and Papa's Charlie Brown Christmas tree and all of the ornaments. It was too hard to find the self control not to touch each and every one of them.

They fed all of the duckles and goosels what was left of the stale bread that they didn't eat themselves.

They ran up and down the hallway of Grandma and Papa's condo.

They jumped and bounced all over the seat cushions.

They danced in Grandma's old dance recital tutus.

They formed their very own rock band and became world renowned percussionists on Grandma's set of pots and pans.

Finally, the best two days ever came to an end and life resumed its normal patterns which, it turns out, aren't so bad after all (however, any time anyone wants to take the kids for a few days, please don't hesitate to ask). :) Thanks Grandma and Papa!



Gee- too bad we are so far away...
Great pics and these two little darlings are so lucky to have the greatest grandparents!!

Aunt Sandy

Patti said...

....ahem....that is MY dance recital tutu!!!! :)

Patti said...

I LOVE the wonder in their eyes in the first picture when they are looking at the ornaments!