Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Fun with Learning

After the successful use of our zoo membership this spring/summer, we decided the invest in a children's museum membership for the winter. Now that the kids are 2, they get charged everywhere we go. I miss those glory days where they could even fly for free. We look forward to much more museum fun. Its great during the weekdays, there is noone there. The play room could entertain our kids for hours. And, there is a carousel.


G.A.Sandy said...

Hey, Happy Thanksgiving all and cyber hugs to go with it! Sanna and Riley look like they own the museum, what a great thing to do for them.

Aunt Sandy

mariellen said...

What fun to play and learn new things. What a gift they have to have such wonderful opportunities. Their little brains are soaking it all in. I'm sure Riley will be telling us about the habitat of penguins very soon and Sanna the properties of water that make is such fun to play in.
Grammy S

Patti said...

Sanna's hair is so LONG!