Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Friday, November 12, 2010

Grand Rapids Fun!

I am taking over the blogging, yet again, since Ryan has been slacking. It's as if he thinks that he has a job or something:) Last weekend we headed to Grand Rapids for some much needed bonding time with Grandma and Grandpa Smith and Aunt Jenna. The girls had a blast but, as usual, it was doing very different things. Riley was so excited that Grammy had kept all of Jenna's dress-up clothes and Halloween costumes. She was in heaven!

This was Riley's go-to outfit for the weekend. She wore the dress and tiara just about every moment that she was awake.

She got a big kick out of "striking a pose" for all of us in Aunt Jenna's old dance outfits.

I thought that she was going to freak out having something cover her moneymaker, but she seemed to thoroughly enjoy being the Pink Panther.

Ryan finally got in on the dress-up action, reliving his glory days as a shark. He was quite proud of himself for still being able to squeeze into his childhood costume. Here is the shark is eating Raggedy Anne.

The shark in all of his glory.

I know that this post has been all about Riley, but Sanna offered up few photo ops since she was constantly tending to her beloved Weebles. She would take all 14 of them everywhere that she went in their school bus. She even picks her nose with the Weebles nearby.

Even though they were entertained by very different things over the weekend, they were both so excited that they got to spend time with their Grammy, Papa, and Aunt Jenna! Thanks for the fun everyone!


G.A.Sandy said...

Laurin- great blogging! Loved every bit of it...Ryan better watch out or he will lose his Blogger Master status!
Gosh, I remember Jenna in those outfits...matter of fact I have a photo somewhere..don't worry Jenna, will not do it without prior approval tho you looked so cute.

Aunt Sandy

Patti said...

Yea to Laurin for keeping the "love" going! I think that Riley is going to be an actress!