Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Thursday, August 26, 2010

Watch out China!

So, i know they are a little old to get their start in gymnastics, and they may end up being twice as tall as most gymnasts, but our girls had their first real lesson today. I wasnt able to attend, but I heard they were no other kids in class. Laurin took one and 'Miss Heather' took the good one. I got the girls (with Laurins help) to reenact what they learned in class. Why Sanna decided to lay on the hardwood floor and tuck herself in under the rug I will never know. I think they hit all the highlights in the video. Walking up the wall is still my favorite. On a fun note, Sanna has taken over as our biter. Riley hasnt bitten in months, but Sanna is full steam ahead. Diva!!!


Nancy Hendrickson said...

"The wall" is totally amazing!!!!!!!! The girls may take after their mother who took gymnastics in Alabama, with a Russian couple as coaches. Possibly Ryan has some gymnastic background also. Sanna's amazing "rug move" showed real imagination and bravery (I wonder what could be lurking under that rug! Ugh!). Great film footage!!! Sanna and Riley's discussion of the event was as cute as the actual gymnastic performance. The whole thing made us smile :)

Patti said...

Oh my goodness! What an exciting experience! I agree, the wall walk is amazing.... I kept expecting her arms to give out and her clunking down on her head! Thank you for the smiles!

Bri said...

I am impressed at your children's freakish strength. I think you should get them involved in the Cirque du Soleil ASAP.

Kathy said...

Challenges Challenges I am practicing my wall walking---video to follow. Unfortunately my rug is nailed down because i know what is lurking under there..

Love you all great flick. They get cuter and smarter every time I SEE THEM HERE OR IN PERSON. GREAT GENE POOL.

G.A.KATHY or as Sanna KAFY

Kathy said...

I keep coming back for more. They are so delightful.
