Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Sunday, July 18, 2010

Were Baaaaaaaack!!!!!!!

After our flurry of posts over the 4th I gave myself a couple weeks off to regroup. Thankfully, Grandma and Papa Smith came this weekend to watch our ladies. Laurin and i had our annual 6v6 soccer tournament. I made the horrible mistake of signing up for two teams (as did Laurin, but apparently she doesn't get as affected by the 90+ degree heat like I do). We had 6 games on Saturday afternoon and 3 today. I am proud to say that we took home the coed over 30 championship and Laurins team also won the womens over 30 division. Our mens over 30 team choked big time in the playoffs. Anyway, the girls had a weekend full of watersides, dance parties, tent parties, gatorade (which is not only the thirst quencher, but also the vomit inducer, and more watersliding). With the big 2nd birthday party coming up next weekend we should have plenty to offer soon.


G.A.Sandy said...


G.A.Sandy said...

Seriously, Congratulations big time Mom and Dad!!
Champions...and in all that heat!!

G.A. Sandy

Kathy said...

Why of course you would be Winners? or as we say in Ne, Winnas.
I liked the pics grandma Smith sent as well. Riley loves glasses.
Won't make it for the B day but shortly thereafter. Cannot wait .


Kathy said...

By the way that first responder for this set sure has a way with words. Phew!! Couldn't have said it better myself


Patti said...

Welcome back! We missed you! (and congratulations!) Riley looks exactly a tiny Katie in the corn picture....I'll have to try to dig it up for you and email it.