Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Thursday, July 29, 2010

Taking it to Another Level

Our children took a break from training for their futures in mixed martial arts cage fighting to be unbearably cute. I should show the pictures of Sanna crying while she fought off Laurin trying to give her cute buns, but that would ruin the cuteness. Maybe they were so happy to have just gone for a walk with the Costlows. Maybe it was the heat. Maybe it was the proximity to nap time. I dont care. It all came together to produce a photo shoot that will make their grandmothers heads explode.


mariellen said...

Oh my God! I think my head is going to explode. Which picture do I put on my desktop? Absolutely adorable.

Granny Smith

Maria said...

My head is exploding for other reasons--mainly that my kids aren't being nearly as cute. Apparently your girls sucked up all the cuteness and kindness.

Patti said...


BEAUTIFUL pictures!

Bri said...

soooooooooooo cute. I can't wait until we have that double wedding and they become a part of our family!

Nancy Hendrickson said...

Wow, you outdid even yourself this time!!!!!! I already have changed my wallpaper and phone, and now need to upload to Walgreens so I can have a framed copy of all of this cuteness!!!!!!! Keep up the good work, although today's pics will be hard to top.